Saturday, September 27, 2014

A "Religion of Peace", but.... we consider the question, "where are the Moderate Muslims?  Why don't they speak up?"  We reprise our discussion about why Islam is powerless to stop, much less reverse, its descent into barbarism.

To begin with, here is a collection of our previous comments on the subject.
We argued:
What authority is there in Islam to restrain that awful tendency toward wanton religious fervor, to prevent it, for example, from spawning a sect that is an evil cult of death, laughing as it slaughters babies, women, innocents, anything and everything including civilization itself? 
In civilized western countries, the culture restrains. But the culture is unquestionably Judeo-Christian in its traditions, mores, and laws. Thus it must be acknowledged that Islam is moderated by Judeo-Christianity, its two older siblings.
We conclude:
Mohammed did not turn the other cheek, love his enemy, or let himself be crucified for his love of his enemy's eternal soul. Islam sets no example of such love of enemy, only violence to "infidels".   
Arguing that "no God condones terrorism" is meaningless to a fundamentalist Muslim because that dogma does not find expression in the example of his chief prophet.  Therefore a fundamentalist Muslim has no moral authority mandating the restraint of its violent extremists. 
Islam CANNOT stop its own perverted violence. There is only One who can.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

If Osama Bin Laden could pick the President of the United States...

...he'd pick Barack Hussein Obama.

Osama bin Laden vowed to "destroy the economy" of the US and then to follow up with Sun Tzu's "war of a thousand cuts" strategy designed to "confuse" and "bankrupt" the US.

Beyond the immediate, direct financial impact of the 9/11 attacks, the financial wake of 9/11 is obvious to all. We've discussed the systematic nature of the "Great Financial Crisis" of 2008 (please search this blog for "Financial Terrorism" if the link remains broken).  That is, that the "crash" of 2008 wasn't a crash so much as a series of discreet, nearly identical failures by major financial institutions in an environment of historically high oil prices with a series of small market crises as a catalyst.  We argued that, where "crashes" are chaotic and disorderly, the "Crisis" of 2008 unfolded in a systematic fashion that appeared to be a series of methodically executed steps.

As for the second part of bin Laden's plans, we present to you as Exhibits A through n the Obama Administration and its myriad crises, failures and blunders which have each and all been disastrous for the United States and the civilized world but have curiously created an environment that nurtures and empowers the advancement of the current fad of hardcore barbarism that they tell us is called "the Caliphate".  

Do you still think it's all a coincidence?

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

On National Sovereignty

"National Sovereignty" as we've enjoyed it is impossible now.
Unfortunately, modern information technology and media, which have already annihilated individual liberty and dignity, and their derivatives, privacy and good judgment, have made national borders a mere formality. Likewise all traditional hierarchical structures. Authority once again derives from sheer power, not merit, tradition or elected representation.
This combination and its proven ability to control masses at a time when nothing else will portends (indeed, spawns) global government devoid of any values beneficial to mankind that is as inevitable as it will be disastrous. It is happening right before our eyes.
See McLuhan.