Florida Mass Shooting and Bureaucratic Incompetence -- What Are The Odds?
Refer to the graphic below.
Looking at events in black and white, it gets down to a binary choice: Act or Do Not Act. Authorities chose "Do Not Act" 45 times before the Florida mass-murderer struck.
The odds of any series of 45 binary events having the same result by chance is astronomically small. Impossible.
Long-short: the result cannot be the outcome of chance. In other words, it is by some ultimate design.
Granted this view is a simplified condensation of reality. So I invite the statistically-minded to parse the logic, consider the conditions, do the math and publish your findings.
Flow chart: (http:// freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3633115/posts )
Flow chart: (http:// freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3633115/posts )
Calculations: Wolfram ( http://www.wolframalpha.com )
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