Fr. Malachi Martin and The Deep State
Listen to the interview, taped in 1993, of famed Catholic insider and best-selling author Fr. Malachi Martin recorded by Bernard Janzen.
At a little past the 1:00:00 mark, the conversation turns to the (then recent) breakup of the Soviet Union. Fr. Martin reminds listeners of how mysteriously efficient the breakup was, and the question of what became of the enormous KGB apparatus (with operatives numbering in the millions, Stalin's 10 "supercities", its military infrastructure); how curious it was that there was never any pursuit of justice against the murderous communist regime.
In this regard, Fr. Martin questions why no meaningful disclosure of such information was ever forthcoming from the media, and asks who decides what information the media does and does not disseminate; why questions pertinent to these events were never asked. This "why" introduces the concept of something quite radical in the public lexicon of the time: "The New World Order," recently announced by then-president George H. W. Bush.
In this new millennium, in a world of NSA leaks and the Internet, we take the idea of the New World Order quite for granted. In 1993, however, Martin's detailed expose of the program and structure of the NWO qualifies as revelation. He discusses the economic mechanisms that force a coordinated transnational government into being, its necessarily anti-Christian nature and the types of people who participate in it, people who determine the fate of nations by their activities and plans -- "it has slipped into the control of kingpins", he states. An oligarch is a bit like a kingpin, isn't it?
At this point in the discussion things get very interesting, especially in retrospect. Fr. Martin mentions the mysterious deaths of Dag Hammerskjold and Patrice Lamumba in the Congo, and connects their deaths to illegal trade in uranium in Katanga. "We are being kept from knowing the details," he says, "but one day we'll know it all... we don't know the cause, but you can be darn sure that somebody is making money off of it. Somewhere!"
"Who tells [the media] not to talk about it?!" Fr. Martin asks. "Whoever runs the money," he reminds us, "runs the entire show."
Let us consider these observations in light of recent events in our own history, 24 years after the interview. We have been forced to acknowledge that we live under something we call "The Deep State," and are faced with evidence this entity is embedded in our Intelligence community. We likewise acknowledge that our mass media institutions have a clear agenda and cannot be trusted to report anything of consequence accurately or impartially. We are faced with evidence that both of these institutions are demonstrably anti-American and anti-Christian in essence.
Can we trace the growth of our Deep State to the "breakup" of the Soviet Union and the mysterious disappearance of its formidable intelligence apparatus? Let us note as an aside the nearly perfect coincidence of that program of events with the advent of the "Information Superhighway," launched commercially upon civilization during the Clinton administration. Imagine, a medium of instant global communication coming into existence - never before in history - just in time to initiate a "New World Order," and the ubiquitous surveillance state such a global government would require. What luck!
In previous interviews, Fr. Martin traces the influence of decidedly non-Catholic ideas, introduced by overt infiltration, on the Catholic church, its administration and teaching functions, and how these ideas are disseminated through the Church into the culture at large. It cannot be ignored that the major players in the Deep State drama unfolding before us today are our society's elites. Many were educated in Catholic universities. It is of note that the initials "CIA" are said by some to stand for "Catholics in Action."
It is not entirely unlikely, then, that it would take an expert on the Church such as Fr. Martin to also be an expert on the Deep State and the New World Order. Quite the opposite, in fact, if the premises hold up. In fact, Fr. Martin's accounts of the way the Church establishment is able to nullify the authority of a Pope reads like a playbook of the way the current POTUS is being hindered by the secular establishment in Washington DC and everything connected with it. A playbook on the overthrow of a government.
The very ingredients that Fr. Martin cited as being essential to the implementation of a New World Order have been on everyone's minds since Edward Snowden leaked documents he stole from the NSA: A ubiquitous surveillance state, the re-emergence of an intelligence apparatus to support a universal government, an agenda driven media designed to enable it, the dissemination of bad theology in the Church producing bad Catholics in places of power and, just for color, an international money-making conspiracy involving the illegal trade of uranium, completely covered up by the mass media. Collusion, indeed.
Keep digging, kids!
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