Thursday, February 15, 2018

Again We Ask, "Is there a school shooter the FBI hasn't interviewed prior to the attack?"

We first posed the question after (yet another) recent school shooting.
Today, we read this:
In September, a YouTube user named Nikolas Cruz left a comment on a video stating: "I'm going to be a professional school shooter." The video's creator alerted both the FBI and YouTube.
It is queer, isn't it?  That the FBI has had contact with numerous mass murderers before they carried out their heinous attacks?
Curious, isn't it, that the victims of the all-too-frequent school-shooting events, being minors, cannot have any information disclosed publicly about them, so that we must take only the "official" account of events?
Just trying to connect the dots, kids.
[Update 2/16/2017] The FBI has claimed that it failed to follow up on not one but two tips about the child-mass-murderer's "disturbing" behavior -- ie his declaration of his intent to be a "school shooter". On its face, this is an admission of complete incompetence and utter mission failure. Coming as it does while the FBI is embroiled in a host of the most egregious of scandals involving its questionable behavior during the 2016 election and subsequent presidential transition, at a time when its handling of the Las Vegas and other recent mass murders has left ordinary Americans scratching their heads, is it any wonder the internet is abuzz with the sound of people rethinking the stories surrounding the agency's involvement in things like the Cliven Bundy debacle, the Waco massacre, Ruby Ridge, the Oklahoma bombing and even the 9-11 attacks?
In this context, why wouldn't the claim by the FBI of a procedural failure by some functionary somewhere, resulting in the mass murder of 17 at a high school in Florida, awaken the inner sceptic, for that is the version of things that makes it look best under the circumstances? Maybe, perhaps, that version could be likely in some other context, or if this mass-murderer were the only would-be mass murderer that the FBI was aware of before he was an actual mass-murderer. But the FBI has its own "disturbing behavior" to account for, and until it has done so satisfactorily, it has forfeited claim on the benefit of any doubts it creates about itself. In this context, the FBI is looking at best like a serial incompetent, and at worst, like something more horrendous and difficult to imagine: an enabler, perhaps an instigator, of serial bad actors.
Along with its very public admission of this most unforgivable episode of incompetence, the FBI has made a public show of falling on its sword, with copious apologies getting due rotation in the compliant media. But here's a question: What's more damning to the FBI, that it "failed to pass the tips to the Miami field office" or that it did not fail to do so? That this were a case of mere bureaucratic incompetence, or one of willful neglect (or worse - surreptitious incitement; Do your homework - there are examples in the public record)? Another question: What do bureaucrats do more effectively than cover for one another, obfuscate the truth and hold press conferences to propagate their obfuscations?
Since it is a fact that the version of a story that makes a recidivist-bad-actor look best is the one least likely to be true, we can't be faulted for supposing for a moment the possibility that the FBI's claim is a cover story. What would that leave us with? Why, more questions, of course: Was this mass-murder a consequence of bureaucratic incompetence or of willful negligence? Or did the FBI contact the "disturbed" young man prior to his attack? What was the exact nature of such prior contact, and the prior contact with other mass murderers referenced in the previous post?
Ask yourself, "what are the odds?"
[Update 2/20/2018] Are you following the story, kids? Did you see the student admit, when asked by the CNN newsbabe on national television why he thought the noises he heard were gunshots, that "we were told the police would be shooting blanks to scare us"?!
Did you know that Parkland, FL is in Broward County, which went 66% for HRC in 2016 but, more significantly, was dead center in the middle of the desparate effort by Democrats to overturn the 2000 presidential election, making it something of an epicenter for leftist efforts to subvert US laws?
We illustrate:
Does this whole thing stink badly enough yet to demand to see autopsies?
[Update 2/23/2018] Armed Deputy present on site at time of attack "takes up position" and STANDS DOWN!? Intentionally!? That means he LET THE ATTACK HAPPEN. Can someone say "WTF"?!
But it's OK, because he resigned. End of story? Don't you believe it. Who told him to stand down? What kind of police offer does that?
[Update 2/24/2018]
A Broward County Deputy, that's what kind. Because...
If this is true, then the authorities are guilty not merely of negligence, kids. They're guilty of abetting. One would think that any parent worthy of the title would be steamrolling City Hall by now.
So which was it? A drill, a mass murder, or both? Surely truth is stranger than fiction. So unreasonable, so unbelievable are the facts that continue to emerge about this event that it makes believing the moon landing was faked seem reasonable.
  • It is now revealed that the Broward County Sheriff, pictured above with Hillary Clinton, is an enthusiastic enabler of the radical Islamist infiltration front organization known as "CAIR". So much so, in fact, that he has made one of its leaders a Broward County deputy. "Deputy Hamas" goes to mosques teaching the faithful how to -- are you ready for this? -- how to use guns.
Things are as strange as ever, but now they're starting to make sense. The Muslim Brotherhood, having been evicted from the White House, has gone "grassroots." That would make the shooting in Parkland, Fl seem as though it were a domestic act of terror enabled, if not aided and abetted, by some combination of FBI, Broward County Sheriff, Broward County School Board, CNN, et al.
Who knows how high up the chain of command the guilt flows?
[Update 4/7/2018]
Finally, something about this fiasco makes sense.
"These people are sick."


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