Monday, May 27, 2013

Dolan's Faustian Bargain

Archdiocese Pays for Health Plan That Covers Birth Control
But even as Cardinal Dolan insists that requiring some religiously affiliated employers to pay for contraception services would be an unprecedented, and intolerable, government intrusion on religious liberty, the archdiocese he heads has quietly been paying for such coverage, albeit reluctantly and indirectly, for thousands of its unionized employees for over a decade. 
So says the New York Times.

We have, in other venues, repeatedly outed His Emminence as the most outspoken advocate of socialized healthcare since perhaps Ted Kennedy himself.  "The Church has been advocating nationalized healthcare for over a century" was the refrain that rang through several of the inserts he provided to local parishes. This much we witnessed. From religious who work very closely with him, we heard more. What he might have said in private to the power brokers that crossed his paths; or to the Abortion President himself when they chatted at 1011 1st Avenue, can only be guessed.

As to the claim of Church support of nationalized medicine, it is either incomplete or inaccurate, unless what he meant to say was, "Certain Bishops, politicians and other power-players have been advocating nationalized medicine...." But not the Church.  Marxism is known to twist the Catechism to support redistributionist and totalitarian revolutions. Got Marx, Your  Emminence?

Can the Cardinal be so naive as to have been unaware of this? One doesn't arrive at that office on the short bus.  Dolan is a politician. Politicians smile big and make compromises.  He advocated Obamacare to begin with -- "be careful what you pray for", eh, Cardinal? One Faustian bargain leads to another. This is the way the world does business.  But the Church is "not of this world."  Which is to say, no matter what sort of hat and robes you wear, if you're making Faustian bargains, you're not doing Church business.

Certainly Obamacare could not be the cancer it is on this nation were it not spearheaded and supported by the old Irish-American Democrat-First-Then-Catholic guard.
“We provide the services under protest,” said Joseph Zwilling, a spokesman for the Archdiocese of New York
How noble. You're still paying for it, and using my tithe to do so, and I object to that in the strongest terms.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Woolwich Slaughter

"Betrayal of Islam" or fulfillment of it?

Saturday, May 11, 2013

McMansions for Manhattan?

I am not impressed that Toll Brothers buys conspicuous advertising mentions from the Metropolitan Opera.  I remember Toll Brothers as the purveyors of McMansions during the historic housing bubble -- shoddy, gaudy, McMansions clad in imitation stone that overleveraged yuppies shipwrecked their financial futures on. People leave New York City for that crap. They come here to get away from it.

The Brothers will learn that New York City is not some vacant lot in a distant suburb of a Midwestern city.  Real Estate in New York is more like organized crime, or, perhaps less disparagingly, a mega-medieval guild.  You might not be able to just waltz in here from Pennsylvania and insert yourself into the pecking order. You might have to pay up, and wait in line.

New York is big patchwork quilt of myriad communities, so please take your manufactured community mentality somewhere else, because New Yorkers really don't take to big-business environments and we don't want our city to become a haven for McPeople who do.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Texas braces for Invasion of Slimy Predators

In a story reminiscent of a 1950's sci-fi "B" movie, giant, deadly, concrete-eating snails have been found in Texas.
"Ride 'em, cowboy ;)"
 Residents were alarmed until it was discovered that the slimy creatures were part of President Obama's advance team, preparing the way for his visit to the area.

The President was passing through on his way to meet with supporters at a Brokeback Mountain gala.

Separately, sources claim to have discovered dozens of photographs on the President's iPhone of former president George W. Bush. The clipped photos mostly showed the former president doing manual labor on his Crawford, Texas ranch, sweating profusely while clad in a blue jeans, T-shirt and cowboy hat and boots. 

The sources confirmed that Obama does in fact have pictures stored on his iPhone of the former president's paintings, self-portraits of him shaving and taking a bath.

Monday, May 06, 2013

Who's Calling the Tune?

Bust a white hick in Minnesota with "ties to a militia" and the first press release declares that a terrorist plot has been foiled( )

Scrape body parts off the streets of Boston and then spend a day and a half chasing down two armed Muslim teenage bombers and everyone from the president on down remonstrates us against a "rush to judgment".
Obama appealed for Americans to avoid a rush to judgment, saying people should stay true to the "unity and diversity that makes us strong."( )
Unless, of course, you're a white American male.