It's a draft, so the usual disclaimers apply.
(Oh, and be sure to check out the comments. Seems we ruffled a few feathers with this little flight of fancy.)
Let’s imagine a scenario together:
Communism, and communist aspirations of world domination, aren’t dead; and America is nearly conquered “without firing a shot” as a communist leader once vowed.
Communist Russia can play dead with “glasnost.” It can finance and train surrogate warriors of the radical, fundamentalist Muslim persuasion to fire its shots for it, to disrupt peace in the free world, especially in the US. It can use communist sympathizers who have infested every institution in the US from the White House on down to act in such a way as to aid the terrorists and hinder citizens.
Communist Russia, being at times the second largest exporter of crude oil, can withhold supplies and stage trading schemes to jack the price of crude up 7 times over its price ten years before to throw the free world into a financial turmoil. It can create alliances with other nations that benefit from the crude oil sales – like Mexico – to promote criminal immigration into the US to further destabilize the society, and again rely upon the zealous enabling of its sympathizers in US institutions to aid the process.
America has been taken over from within, and its mechanism of checks and balances against tyranny have been disabled, or perverted, or hijacked.
Now then, given this scenario, America’s only hope is World War III. America must fight a war not against a shadow enemy like “terror”, but a real enemy with a name and an address, so its sympathizers within the US can be identified and neutralized as the traitors to America that they are. The Communist State must be provoked into attacking an ally of the US or the US itself so that the US can retaliate and be at war with it. Only then can America clean house. Not an easy prospect to be sure – but the cause is lost by any other means. So the choice is either certain destruction of America from within or the daring and wildly uncertain possibility of saving her by the entering into of a lawful war.
OK, you can get back to reality now.
Oh, we forgot to mention the wiping out of the Polish cabinet in that airplane "accident" in Russia recently. You know, Poland, the nation that agreed to be the site of the NATO missile defense shield. Coincidence?