Monday, August 30, 2010

The Stock Market Looks Awful

...smackdowns every time you turn around. Wouldn't be surprised if the October phenomenon reasserted itself.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

What if 9-11 Happened Again and The News Didn't Bother to Report it?

Crazy, hunh? What if it did? In fact, what if it happened every single day and nobody said or did anything about it?
Well, guess what. Every day, on average, 3000 innocent Americans are put death because they cannot defend themselves, and nobody's paying attention.
It's called legalized abortion, and it's been this way for over 40 years.
Think about it.

Friday, August 27, 2010

I want Google OFF my computer.

It locks up. It locks up Blogger, too. It did it when I was composing this despatch, and I had to recreate it. What a waste of my time! Furthermore, it takes forever to load, as if it's scanning every byte of my computer for stuff it can parse with my email and put together into some sort of profile of me that it can sell to someone. I'm over that.

I'm also over this obesity shit. I see people who literally *wobble* around, wearing this "oh, feel sorry for ME!" look on their faces. When I was a kid, there was ONE obese person in the entire town, and it was clear there was a medical reason for it. Now they're everywhere. Like gigantic jellyfish. Who the hell put a gun to their heads and made them sit on the couch and eat junk food all day every day of their lives? Or they tool around on those $15,000 electric carts that they get from the welfare office. Yeah, go ahead and help those victims of white-male-oppression, Michelle Obama.

I'm also over you, "Mayor" Bloomberg, of the self-anointed Third Term. I'm very over you using your little bully pulpit (with stepstool) to dictate *your* (mis) interpretation of the Constitution to justify special favors to your biggest freaking donors. You're a clown, and clown's shouldn't run the circus.

And speaking of clowns, especially the horror-movie variety, don't get me started on the 9-11-mosque-imam and his dinosaur-looking wife. Gad, in any language, they're repulsive.

Monday, August 23, 2010

On Islam and The Constitutional Protection of Religion

As long as the religion teaches conduct that is contrary to the principles of the Constitution, it deserves no Constitutional protection. Let the burden of proof be upon Islam.

We're waiting...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mind Your Own Business, Mr. President

What is or is not built on a block in downtown Manhattan is a matter for the citizens of this city to decide, not the citizens of Washington, D.C., Mr. President. Maybe you'd better read up on your federalism, whereby religion is deemed constitutionally off limits to you.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

We always figured this would catch on...

A long time ago we wrote a post about Obama entitled, "The Subprime Presidency." And true to our buzzphrase ("Arguably the most influential blog ever"), one of our riffs is, once again, catching on.

To wit:

Barack Obama seems to want to be known as the Sub-Prime President.

Thank you, Mr. Smith. Looks like that Yale Education did you well. We'd still appreciate a citation, though.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

“Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act”

They say that, because this bill is 2,300 pages in length, nobody has read it. Imagine, making something nobody knows about the law of the land. Is that sick, or what?
For our money, however, all you need to read is the title. It tells you everything you need to know about it. Scumbags like these two wouldn't be allowed to write laws in a just world.