Wednesday, April 29, 2015

GDP Fail, redux

The plane is nosediving, but 
the cockpit door is locked.

0.2% GDP growth, again? But wait: if you can't believe their unemployment numbers, can you believe their GDP numbers?

Poor Madame Chair looks like she's standing in front of an approaching freight train.  Is it inflation or deflation she sees bearing down on her?

What to think? No rate hikes until Obama says so.  He's not going piss off his Park Avenue buds, not yet. He doesn't want a stock market crash, either, because then the white people might riot. Ha ha, just kidding.

[update: yeah, we posted this before the announcement.]

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

File Under "Tin Foil Hat" part 2

As long as we're posting such observations, we thought we'd let you know that 11 military copters are scheduled to cruise above the Hudson River from the GW Bridge to the Statue of Liberty and back again in the next week or two.  Just because.

Friday, April 17, 2015

File Under "Tin Foil Hat"

For the first time ever, last week, I heard "Ladies and gentlemen, this is a test of the emergency broadcast system" coming from the PA system in a NYC subway station.  Twice, in fact.